Datapoint Manx English/Use of definite article where StE favours zero

Variety: Manx English
Feature: Use of definite article where StE favours zero
Value: A - feature is pervasive or obligatory
Informants: Jennifer Kewley Draskau


Example 1915:
The nither of us was there

Source: Moore et al. 1991: 126

Example 1916:
I've only the one chile
Example 1917:
I hadn' been there I couldn' tell ye the when
I could not tell you how long it was since I had been there

Source: Brown 1936: 147

Example 1918:
past Ballaugh, and Kirk Michael, and the Ballacraine

Source: Brown 1936: 147

Example 1919:
The all he got for his pain

Source: Moore et al. 1991: 186