Datapoint Earlier African American Vernacular English/Proximal and distal demonstratives with ʼhereʼ and ʼthereʼ

Variety: Earlier African American Vernacular English
Feature: Proximal and distal demonstratives with ʼhereʼ and ʼthereʼ
Value: B - feature is neither pervasive nor extremely rare
Informants: Alexander Kautzsch


Example 1254:
Hit him you know, knock that, knock that there spoon back, you know, on his side, on his side.

Source: Bailey et al. (eds.) 1991: 61

Example 1255:
And he would use this here devil's-shoestring, and he would use this here Sampson snakeroot.

Source: Hyatt 1970-1978: 1389