Datapoint Earlier African American Vernacular English/Use of gotten and got with distinct meanings (dynamic vs. static)

Variety: Earlier African American Vernacular English
Feature: Use of gotten and got with distinct meanings (dynamic vs. static)
Value: C - feature exists, but is extremely rare
Informants: Alexander Kautzsch


Example 1288:
Aftah yo' have sealed yore papahs, aftah yo' have gotten everything, then there is a power, a supernatural power that is beyond all power.

Source: Hyatt 1970-1978: 1119

Example 1289:
An' when she got in the house she said, "Mama, I can't walk." That wus grandmother an' my grandma lived to be 85. She said, "Mama, I can't walk ' my she said, "my knee - I got a pain in my toe an' it's went up in my knee. I can' t walk."

Source: Hyatt 1970-1978: 913